My First Talk
I am seriously slacking in the blogging department. Freya is now 16 months and I have no updated since her 9 month blog post... which I literally just posted. I am the worst these days. Since that post, we have moved back to my hometown. We now have Willow half the month, sharing custody with her mother. We had a Halloween Party just for Willow. I started a second job with Miss Ruby's kids, an amazing literacy program. There has been a lot and I hope to be able to update this more often. However, I wanted to pop-in and tell you guys (all 2 of you) that I gave my first talk in sacrament meeting this past Sunday. Bishop Holt got me, and to be honest, I was not nervous until 5 minutes before I had to talk to the front. I had been too busy the entire week before to be nervous. We were having the Halloween Party for Willow and I went ALL out. I was busy baking cookies and treats for these kids. Somethings turned out amazing, and some not so great, but I learned where I messed up ...